This article applies to selling in: Sri Lanka

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A comparison and benefits of having a store in Ceylexo

Marketplace 24/7 Yourown or similar other online store
High number of visitors everyday and your buyers are already there. It is likely you run a shop in a very crowded city. Relatively very less visitors and it is often not everyday. It is likely you run a shop in a village.
You dont have to market your store, we bring customers to you. You have to market yourself everyday & every visit costs to you. Ex: server charges, marketing cost, etc.
24/7 uptime & we fix issues likely without no breaks You have to fix issues yourself or your site will go down, hence you lose your potential customers.
We have only genuine and professional delivery services integrated with to serve you and you receive discounts because we give them a high order volume everyday. You have to manage delivery yourself or no discounts from delivery services.
Customers/Buyers are not only from one store, so they have their own reputation base on their shopping history. So you receive less non-professional, less cheap buyers relatively. You can see the buyer reputation before you accept an order. You are likely not to be fall into a trap, so you can maintain high reputation of your store and receive more new customers day by day. You dont have a good history of your buyer, so it isl likely you are gonna be trapped or may have to face problems like fake refunds, fake disputes, etc. If you get a one negative feedback you may have to receive 12 more positive feedback to go over the negative ones. So there is a high possibility of failure getting new customers.
In overall we receive high # of transactions, so we can timely reduce transaction fees charged to you per sale. If you don't have a high # of transactions, your banker providing payment services charges you relatively high percentage or margin per transaction, which means you lose the profit or you have to increase your product price, which is also affect negatively to your sales.
24/7 support from our team to increase your sales. You have to do all the stuff to increase your sales.
We market the marketplace 24/7 to overseas countries & bring foreign customers to you which means you can export your items to overseas countries. If you go global yourself, you have to spend lot of money and you risk the whole business because that money is your reserve that you can spend to expand your business into next level.
We maintain a globally distributed manufacturer/ Supplier/ Brand owners database, so you can directly order items to your store from them in the background without vanishing your time. And they are trustworthy because we have only verified vendors. You have to spend more time to find such vendors and even you risk yourself to go with a good ones because you dont have a source to validate their history.
We have an inventory management system integrated, so you can have an always ready stock & raw materials. This helps you to also manage your production within the same enviorenment without subscribing to other third party service providers. You have to ask some company to develop/ sell a system to mnanage your production/ inventories/ stocks etc.
Using our inbuilt report system, you can always check your progress or failure points yourself to keep your business in the right direction and right track. Also the analysis can show you to maintain good sales over bad sales/ stocks, which can tend to wipe out unnecessary cost of your business. You have to hire a good analysis team to provide you the same and they should be with you for the life. Good result and predictions comes from a continuous analysis but not from a snapshot.
We provide many more to help your sellings to be grown. And we continuously provide new tools to increase the sales of our sellers base on our conitnuous market research and analysis. You have to spend time in your business to find out what things can generate sales to you if you do it yourself. And that time cost you the life. Subscribing to Marketplace 24/7 and have your products to be sold there means you buy that time from us and you live a happy life while continuing a good business.

Special notice:

  • Ceylexo is on pre-launch release.
  • In this period, we only register sellers by invitations.
  • To get involved, you should request an invitation.
  • Contact us for further information.